There are many things that set us apart as a pet insurance company, one of them being our industry expertise. While we’ve always had veterinary medical professionals as part of our staff, we’re happy to announce that veterinarian, Dr. Colleen Fisher has joined our team!
How long have you been a veterinarian?
I graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 1990, so it’s been 30 years! I have spent my career practicing small animal medicine with a special interest in working dog wellness and behaviour. I went back to school in 2016 and earned my MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Edinburgh School of Veterinary Studies. My research project explored the ability of persons with PTSD to detect stress in their own service dogs.
What do you do for fun outside the clinic?
My husband and I love to travel. I have a working knowledge of Spanish, and we spent some time last winter spaying cats in a local clinic in the Oaxaca area of Mexico. At home, we enjoy hiking and snowshoeing in the Brandon Hills.
Do you have a favourite pet insurance story?
Yes! My favourite story is about Carl the Rottweiller. He taught me firsthand about the importance of pet health insurance many years ago. He was four months-old when he came into the clinic with a sore on his leg. He also had a fever and was generally pretty sick. We diagnosed Blastomycosis, a potentially fatal infection. Because his owner had pet insurance, she was able to afford the treatment required to save her puppy. Later, Carl experienced ear problems and skin allergies and eventually developed lymphoma, a kind of cancer, in his senior years. His owner was so grateful that Carl was covered under a plan that gave her peace of mind and the ability to say yes to our recommendations throughout his life.
Do you have any pets?
Maisey is a long-haired Weimaraner and the queen of our household. She’s a senior now but still acts likes a puppy! The last time we bought furniture, she got her own couch. She deserves it after a long day on the hiking trail. I’m also proud to say Maisey has been protected by Petsecure since 2011. She was an accident-prone puppy, and I wanted her covered with the best pet health insurance in Canada.
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